Opportunity of a Lifetime

Are you interested in learning a new language or meeting new people? Rotary Youth Exchange is the opportunity of a lifetime for the more than 8,000 students who participate each year. By sharing your own culture and embracing a new one, you help foster global understanding—and learn a great deal about yourself and your home country in the process.

Rotary Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time.

Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by Rotary clubs in more than 100 countries.

What are the benefits?

Exchange students unlock their true potential to:

  • Develop lifelong leadership skills
  • Learn a new language and culture
  • Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world
  • Become a global citizen

How long do exchanges last?

Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families.

Short-term exchanges last from several days to three months and are often structured as camps, tours, or homestays that take place when school is not in session.

What are the costs?

Long Term Exchange

The fee for 2024-2025 is $11,000.00 (includes round-trip airfare, travel insurance and the costs of required Visas).

Room and board are provided, as well as any school fees and a small monthly allowance (~ 100.00 USD) are provided by the hosting Rotary Club.

Spending money and any additional travel or tours are the responsibility of the student and their family.

Important condition:
The family of the outbound student is responsible for finding at least one host family for an incoming student, and hopefully more. The student should have 3 host families for the year, who are responsible for providing food and housing for the student. 

Short Term Exchanges and Camps vary in duration and price. Please contact the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout for more information.