With great sadness, we announce the passing of long-time Rotarian Wendy MacDonald on December 6, 2024. She joined the Sioux Lookout Rotary Club in 2002 and held several positions, including Secretary and President. Her Rotary Club family will greatly miss her. A funeral service will be held at Sacred Heart Church for friends and family to attend at 1:00 p.m. on December 13, 2024.
Brad Hyslop is a lifelong resident of Hudson, a community situated on the shoreline of Lac Seul, Brad acquired a sense for adventure by exploring the waters and shoreline of this unique lake. After high school further adventures followed as Brad spent seven months backpacking through Europe on a gap year before attending Algonquin College in Ottawa and earning a diploma in photography.
Brad will share some of his journey with us on November 28.
Karisma Vyas is a 5th-year Biosystems Engineering student at the University of Manitoba, as well as the Vice President of Finance for UMEarth. She will present a slideshow about their upcoming Honduras Engineering Water System project. This initiative can potentially create significant positive change, and they believe our involvement could greatly enhance its impact.
The project focuses on addressing critical water infrastructure challenges in underserved communities in Honduras by providing sustainable and clean water solutions. It aligns with our university's values of social responsibility and global outreach, and we are confident it presents a meaningful opportunity for collaboration.
Are you interested in learning a new language or meeting new people? Rotary Youth Exchange is the opportunity of a lifetime for the more than 8,000 students who participate each year. By sharing your own culture and embracing a new one, you help foster global understanding—and learn a great deal about yourself and your home country in the process.
Sioux Lookout had a Community Service sign just before the Pelican Lake bridge for several years. During construction, the community lost the sign.
In 2023, the Sioux Lookout Rotary Club initiated a project to restore the sign. The municipality offered the club an unused signpost across from Farlinger Park (Town Beach).
In July 2024, everything came together, and members of the Rotary Club, including Alanna, Lorenzo, Bill, Lew, Dick and Andreas, installed the new Community Sign.
The New Community Club Sign is slightly different from the usual Community Service Signs as it includes 16 clubs that contribute to making Sioux Lookout a better community.
Salvation Army Sioux Lookout's services are valuable and necessary in our community. When we think of all the people the Salvation Army Sioux Lookout has helped already and the vast number of people still in need, we feel deeply grateful for Salvation Army Sioux Lookout's vision and strongly compelled to help support the good cause.
We hope the $2,500 donation will assist in continuing your services. The funds are coming from the Rotary Radio Bingo.
The Rotary club End of Winter barrel sank at 7:07 pm April 19. Congratulations to this year's winner of over $600 Don Nahachewsky.
Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout will once again be selling prediction tickets for the annual sinking of our Rotary barrel through the ice of Pelican Lake.
Tickets are available from Rotary members, $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets.
Tell us the time and date when the Barrel will sink this year.
Watch for special ticket sales locations - Fresh Market April 5 and 6, 2024 or ask a local Rotarian.
The Sioux Lookout Bombers Jr.A team held their second annual Hockey Fights Cancer game at the Hangar on Saturday night. The real winner was local Cancer care as the Bombers and the Sioux Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout teamed up to donate $5000 to the Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre Foundation. 369 fans came out to support the team and this very worthy cause.
Rotary Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time.
Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by Rotary clubs in more than 100 countries.
What are the benefits?
Exchange students unlock their true potential to:
Develop lifelong leadership skills
Learn a new language and culture
Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world
Become a global citizen
How long do exchanges last?
Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families.
What are the costs?
Room and board are provided by the host families in the host country, as well as any school fees. Each program varies, but students are usually responsible for:
Round-trip airfare
Travel Insurance
Travel documents (such as passports and visas)
Spending money and any additional travel or tours
The family of an outgoing student shall host an incoming Rotary Youth Exchange student and will be responsible for room and board for an incoming student.
How can I apply?
Candidates are ages 15-19 and are leaders in their schools and communities. Contact the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.
The Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout held its 19th Annual Rotary Lobster Fest and dance on Saturday, October 23, 2023.
All local rotary members and our Exchange student Theodor made this event again a great success. The community greatly supported the event and enjoyed the music and good company.
Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout member and Jack McKenzie Award coordinator Susan Barclay (left) presents the Jack McKenzie Memorial Award to this year’s recipient, Charron Sippola.
The Rotary barrel sank May 5 at 1:15 pm. This year's winner is Shirley Keetash, who predicted the exact time. Winnings are just over $1600. Congratulations!
Thank you to all who supported Rotary's efforts to raise money for local projects.
We also thank our sponsors for supporting the "End of Winter" event
On November 30 the Sioux Lookout Bombers, in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout, hosted their first annual Mental Health Awareness night, an initiative which was spearheaded by several Bombers players, including #26 Aiden Parker.
The Bombers shared that, “Between the auction of our special game worn jerseys, sale of wristbands, the 50/50 draw (conducted by the Rotary Club) and other donations, you raised $2840 in support of mental health, $1500 of which (is) going directly to local mental health programs, and the remainder to the national Movember campaign.”
On Jan. 7, during the first period intermission of the Bombers’ game against the visiting Fort Frances Lakers, representatives from the Bombers and Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout presented a cheque for $1500 to members of the Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre Foundation and (SLMHC) Mental Health and Addictions Program. Provided by the Sioux Lookout Bulletin - Tim Brody - Editor
Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout will once again be selling prediction tickets for the annual sinking of our Rotary barrel through the ice of Pelican Lake.
Tickets are available from Rotary members, $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets.
Watch for special sales locations between now and April 25.
See pictures, information, and a live webcam of the barrel is at www.endofwinter.ca .
The Rotarians will be setting the candles out and lighting them at Sacred Heart/Northway and Hillcrest cemeteries on Sunday, December 20.
The Ecumenical Candlelight Memorial service will take pace this year at Sacred Heart Church - starting at 6:30 pm on Monday, December 21. This is an in-person, safely distanced service - masks must be worn. Capacity is 57 people. The names of all who died in this last year will be remembered and a candle lit for them
India Presentation and Pizza night, by Sylvie MacDonald on Thursday March 7 at 6:30pm. Come hear about her personal experiences, Rotary projects, historical events and current events, all in one!
Thanks to all who helped: Lorenzo Durante, Collin Hochestedler, Wendy MacDonald, Bill and Susan Hochestdler, Kirk and Sylvia Drew, Greg and Sylvia Davis, Elaine and Ed Thompson, Reg and Edna Drew, Phillip Drew, Peter and Susan Barclay, Rotary District 5550, Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout, Fresh Market Foods, Guardian Eagle Lodge, Municipality of Sioux Lookout Recreation Department and all the host families.
The Sioux Lookout Rotary Club was pleased to have Assistant Governor Fred Wright at tonight’s meeting! He presented President Susan Barclay with a certificate to honour our club’s 75th year! He also updated us on what’s been going on in the district! Thank you for your visit Fred, it’s always a pleasure to have you among us.
Snow is on the ground and weather is getting colder. The Community Ice Candle Service is being held Friday, December 22, 2017 beginning at 6:00 pm at St. Andrew's church Candles can be placed in memory of your loved one(s) at any of the cemeteries, at one of the churches in town.
How do you get your Candles? Candle order forms are available at Fresh Market or email rotarysiouxlookout@shaw.ca.
Rotary will also be at the Chamber Last Minute Market on December 16 at the Sunset inn & Suites taking orders for candles.
It’s that time of year again! Lobsterfest is fast approaching. We sell out every year so get your tickets quick. There is a choice of Lobster or ribs, a silent auction, a penny auction, 50/50 draw, and a prize for best decorated table!
Our Rotary Club would like to wish these two a great adventure abroad, Ben will be going to Italy and Clara will be in Sioux Lookout from Belgium, both will experience a year as an Exchange Student miles away from their homes!
The Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout presented the Jack McKenzie Memorial Award to the the Nordic Nomads Ski Club. For the excellent work they do in creating and keeping the Xcountry ski trails in our community. In particular the award recognizes the work of Ron Laverty and John Davies over the last 5 decades.
The international dinner was a fantastic way to end their trip, they have built wonderful memories which will last a life time and learned to work well together in Ontario's wilderness north land covering 160km and 6 portages! Way to go Taiwan, Spain, Turkey, Czech Republic, Russia, Belgium, Poland, Slovakia, Italy and of course our leaders from Canada!
Rotary Exchange Students with their counsellors, parents and the District Youth Exchange Team gathered in Russell Manitoba for the weekend. The Outbound students in their brand new red jackets include Ben Martin from the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout and in the front right corner, proudly displaying her Spanish flag is Rebeca Lopez our Inbound Student this year.
The Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout is working with our Rotary Exchange Student, Rebeca, to help her raise funds for a Shelter Box. A fun filled day at Dick and Mary McKenzie's camp is being planned for March 25.
Lobsterfest 2016 was a success! Thank you to everyone who made this event possible.
Lobsterfest Fact: The steamer for the Lobsters is brought from Kenora by the Rotary Club of Kenoraand they even cook them for us! Thank you to the Volunteers who made the drive up!
Thursday night we formally welcomed our exchange student! This is Rebecca. She is from Spain and I'm sure over the next year we will be learning much more about her. Thank you to Sylvie for all that she has done and thank you to the host families that make this program possible!
Leading the committee to help an Eritrean refugee family find a new home in Sioux Lookout has earned Michela Pauselli Salter the 2016 John Alexander “Jack” McKenzie Memorial Award.
Presented each year by the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout during the opening ceremonies of the Blueberry Festival, the award recognizes outstanding contributions to the community made by local volunteers.
From left: Award winner Michela Pauselli Salter, nominees Nancy McCord and Dorothy Broderick, Rotarian Susan Barclay. Shayla Bradley / Bulletin Photo
Ten young people from all over the world took the trip of a lifetime in our backyard.
For the 25th year, the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout hosted the Rotary District 5550 International Camp which took the international teenagers on a seven day, 180 kilometres loop through a series of lakes north of Sioux Lookout.
Front from left: Rotary president and trip leader Kirk Drew, Jesper Kamp, Killian Bock, Samuel Kuo and Vicky Chen. Back from left: Assistant District Governor Fred Wright, Michael Lannoo, Jacopo Di Bello, Timothey Lefebvre, Einar Gjerde, trip leaders John Bath and Jennifer Hancharuk, Petras Slekys, Rotary District Governor Rod Riopel, Kenora MP Bob Nault. Tim Brody / Bulletin Photo
The Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout has officially kicked off and is championing a fundraising campaign to raise the local share for a cafetorium multi-use space in the new high school being built in Sioux Lookout. Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout president Clifford Mushquash made the announcement at the April 20 municipal council meeting at which council directed staff to apply for funding from the provincial and federal governments for the project.
A house, centrally located in town, has been obtained for the Eritrean family that will be coming to Sioux Lookout.
As the house is being set up for their arrival, the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout is helping make that house a home for the new arrivals.
On April 21, members of the Rotary Club presented members of the Sioux Lookout Refugee Sponsorship Group with two complete bed packages for the family.
From left: Bill Hochstedler – Rotarian, Sylvie MacDonald – Rotarian, Clifford Mushquash – Rotary President, Lynn Martin and Michela Salter – refugee sponsorship group, and Dick MacKenzie – Rotarian. Tim Brody / Bulletin Photo
The club was pleased to have Mayor Doug Lawrance and CAO Anne Mitchell provide a municipal update and discuss the strategic planning process for The Municipality of Sioux Lookout.
Sylvie MacDonald was inducted to the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout in October 2015. She enjoys being busy and being able to contribute to her community.
President Clifford introduced Michela Salter and Margot Saari from the Sioux Lookout Refugee Sponsorship Group who spoke on the work of a local group of dedicated citizens who are actively working to sponsor a refugee family to Sioux Lookout.
The Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout participated in the Sioux Lookout Chamber of Commerce Annual Santa Claus Parade on Sunday, December 13! Thank you to our wonderful community for all your support and encouragement this year.
On Thursday, December 10, our club had the pleasure of welcoming Trish Hancharuk as the meeting’s program. Trish, who happens to be a former Rotary Exchange student to Brazil, now works for the Sioux Lookout Firsts Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) as the Program Manager for the Regional Wellness Response Program (RWRP).
On Saturday, December 5, 2015, District Governor Ken Krebs proudly graduated President Clifford Mushquash, and President-Elect Kirk Drew from the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI).
RLI is a three-module leadership development program, which provides Rotarians with a quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills.
In addition to President Clifford and President-Elect Kirk, District Governor Ken graduated 14 other Rotarians from District 5550. RLI Modules 1-3 were completed throughout the fall in Winnipeg, Manitoba.